Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Teen Stress Blog

Teen Stress 

             "I don't think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on in your body, if you don't even understand it yourself." Stress is preasure or tension  exerted on a material object. There are 2 main types  of stress: acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress  is short-term reaction to immediate threat and evolutionary adaptation and fight or flight  response. Fight or flight is freeze, or fawn response [in PTSD], hyperarousal or the acute stress response. A example of  acute stress is " I fletch and jump a little out the chair but not a lot where you see me jump. Chronic stress is long-term  response  to persistent "threat" and the response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period over which an individual perceives he or she has no control. It involves an endocrine system response in which occurs a release of corticosteroids. An example of chronic  stress is a person who deal with one of these stress: financial stress, work-relate stress, marital probems, divorce, academic pressure, and caregiving etc. The examples of my stress I feel is "homework,  sports,  and music.  My body respond to my stress is that oh did I do my homework  or is it finish. Sports is when practice and did I make the team, or how many laps did for conditioning and what I need to work on so mainly acute stress."

A biological reaction takes place when the body  feels stress. The nervous system,  respiratory system, and feedback system  are all involved. When you exerience something  stressful, the brain sends a message through  the spinal cord to the adrenal medulla which is the nervous system , which then releases medulla and cortex in the kidneys which is respiratory system. This causes  your heart to beat speed up and your blood pressure  to goes up which is the feedback system. It also leads to play a major  role in emotions and health. Chronic stress can have a opposing effect  on the body. Body systems, including the parasympathetic system  and the sympathetic system  are damaged by continuous stress. In the long run this can affect our health. When a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relation between  challenges. The response  cause your body to decrease in function: immune system is suppressed reproductive system  stops working, normally, can't  feel pain as well as when you're  relaxed.

  • Hood disease is kids suffer from Post-Traumatic stress disorder  or ( PTSD). This is related to stress because Jeff Duncan- Anorade, PH.D of San Francisco state university  said, "anyone who is experiencing the symptoms of  PTSD, and the things we are currently  emphasizing in school will fall off their radar. Because frankly it does not matter in our biology if we don'the survive the walk home." This is important to Oakland teens because  mainly teens stress  over is homework/school  : 
  • Grades/ GPA 
  • tests
  • college 
  • finals week that 55% 
Parents/family :
pressure to do well 
not achieving/ blowinget it that 15%

Social life: 
boyfriends/ girlfriends
try outs
sex that 9%

no time
keeping up
lack of sleep
doing two things at once
too much going on
unprepared that 8%

Sports: 4%

Other: 9%.
This is related to my life because  I stress over half this stuf like grades, test, homework, my future, and my love life. Stress is a part of everyone's life is that it marriage, promotion, baby, winning money, new friends, and graduation, however too much stress is that your reproductive  system stops working, normally, your  immune system is suppressed. It important  to deal  with stress so that it does for you is that it help you survive. It can improve your mood boost immune function, promote longevity and you to be more productive. When you let stress out yourself  at risk developing a range of illnesses. It have such a powerful impact on your well being becaused natural response that is activated in the brain. It examine how this process works and help your health. As oakland teens we can help less stress on us like hang with friends, join a program were get to know people  or workout, doing something you love to do. Get plenty of rest and eat well. Brather deeply slowly-in and slowly -out, take a time out a few minutes away from the problem can help.